Shivwits Band Council

The Shivwits Band Council is honored to serve the members of the Shivwits Band and represent the Shivwits Band of Paiutes. We coordinate with federal, state, and local governments on a government-to-government basis, protecting and advancing the sovereignty of the Shivwits nation as a federally recognized Indian Tribe through transparent and effective governance and effective economic development that provides resources allowing the Band government to provide essential government services to its members. Our Band government looks forward to working with you. 

Our guiding principle in Article I of our Bylaws shapes our approach to governance, along with our culture and tradition: government dedicated to the conservation and careful development of the Shivwits Band’s lands and other resources. We promote health and economic well-being of all Band members and provide education opportunities to our members and posterity. We aim to promote and preserve the social and cultural well-being of our people. 

The Band Council is the governing body of the Shivwits Band. It is a five-member elected body, with each member serving a four-year term. [link to current council]

The Band Council holds regular and special meetings and takes action by Resolution and Ordinance.

Hope Silvas

Hope Silvas


P: (435)632-6478

Carmen Clark

Carmen Clark

Vice Chairperson

P: (435)632-1899

Tina Gonzales

Tina Gonzales

Council Member

P: (435)669-2205

Sherwin Tillahash

Sherwin Tillahash

Council Member

P: (435)572-5174

Charlotte Domingo

Charlotte Domingo

Council Member

P: (435)574-8770

Norine Castro

Norine Castro


P: (435)922-8816

Shivwits Band Committees

Shivwits Band Committees assist the Band Council in meeting the Band Council’s responsibilities to Band membership. Band Committees serve in advisory capacities, identifying Band needs and recommending courses of action to resolve the needs. Shivwits Band Committee members are elected by the Band members and make reports to the Council and Band membership each month at Band Meeting. The Band Committees’ policies and procedures are outlined in the Shivwits Band Bylaws and Band Guidelines. Band committee appointments run concurrently with the term of office of the seated Band Council.

There are currently eight committees:

Cultural Committee

Carmen Clark
Tina Gonzales
Karma Grayman
Glenn Rogers
Jetta Wood

Activities Committee

Shaquoyah Silvas
Hope Silvas
Markuitta Bushhead
Glenn Rogers

Education Committee

Karma Grayman

Election Board

Norine Castro
Jolene Turnvall

Housing Committee

Travis Duran

Land Resources

Travis Duran
Joey Bushhead
Cordale Trevizo
Travien Duran
Norine Castro

Health Committee

Norine Castro

River Monitors

Shanan Anderson
Travis Duran

Emergency Management Committee

Norine Castro
Shanan Anderson
Jetta Wood
Keeya Wood
Travis Duran

Emergency Management Website